Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bug repeller?

"Eating garlic will repel insects."

As described in the U of Connecticut Health Center news:
Dr. Thiruchandurai V. Rajan, chief of pathology at the University of Connecticut Health Center, was inspired to check out the effects of garlic on repelling mosquitoes because a colleague's wife was feeding garlic to her horse. He learned that it's a common practice throughout the United States to feed garlic to horses and dogs to prevent mosquito bites. In his experiment, dozens of human test subjects took garlic capsules or placebos and then inserted arms into a mosquito cage to see whether it had any effect on the number of bites they received.

It didn't. Rajan suspects that a longer experiment in which subjects eat more garlic for longer periods might show some improvement. The question is whether eating so much garlic would be more effective at driving away insects or friends.

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